


We can be the assistant you always needed to help your business grow. With a library of resources, monthly webinars, online courses, guest speakers, and a private VIP Facebook Group, we have the resources you need to turn your passion into a profitable business. JOIN TODAY

MotUS Business Expo

MotUS Business Expo

Exciting NEWS! MotUS is kicking off its first-ever Business Conference. The conference will be October 2-3, 2023, in Nashville, TN. Classes are geared toward business owners with a focus on personal and professional growth. More information coming soon...stay tuned!

Routine Review

Routine Review

BOOK TODAY! Our goal is to identify any potential problem areas and offer realistic suggestions. This could be in skills and formations OR choreography, level changes, or just something extra.

During the Phone Introduction we will discuss exactly what YOU are looking for! Are you preparing for Nationals and want simple solutions you can implement at your next practice to improve routine flow and creativity? Are you looking for a score sheet break down to ensure you are in range and maximizing difficulty points? No need to stress now, this is not a one size fits all product. That is why this call is so important to set the framework!

The Video Routine Breakdown allows us to offer real time feedback! We want this process to be as simple as possible and have found when coaches are able to pause and see exactly where the change is recommended it is much easier compared to reading it off a piece of paper.

The Additional Notes provided will compliment the video routine breakdown. There is not one specific piece of information that will be included, but we will do our best to provide you with everything  you need to be successful at practice implementing changes and out on the competition floor!

Business Consulting

Business Consulting

Each managing partner of MOTUS has been a gym owner for over twenty years. We have a collective 150-plus years of experience and are here to be your guide if needed. MotUS offers one of one private business coaching to help get you where you want to be. To set up a free consultation email



MotUS can assist you with any marketing needs. We have graphic designers at the ready to create marketing materials, logos, branding or just planning your marketing strategy. Contact to set up a free consultation and get started today.

Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing

Trying to accomplish the day-to-day tasks required to run your facility smoothly, marketing can get overlooked. MotUS provides additional marketing services to help your business grow. Contact us today at for a free consultation and how we may be able to assist you with your social media or digital marketing needs.